Magnetic Insight Inc.
Engineering Intern (June 2023 - September 2023)
Software and R&D Intern (June 2022 - September 2022)
3D Printing Consultant (October 2020 - June 2021)
3D Printing & Technologies Intern (September 2019 - March 2020)
Alameda, CA
3D Printing, Manufacturing, R&D, Python, Biotech, Medical Imaging, Service Engineering
Due to confidentiality reasons I am limited in projects I can disclose.
Magnetic Insight is a company developing Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) technology, which is the first full body imaging technology introduced in nearly 40 years. Their preclinical scanner, Momentum, is commercially available and they are mid development of the clinical-scale scanner.
I joined Magnetic Insight in my senior year of high school as a 3D Printing intern, primarily focusing on the maintenance and upkeep of multiple Formlabs Form 2 Printers. I also helped introduce further organization into the 3D printing stock system, greatly streamlining the process for all engineers and assemblers, and improving cleanliness as well. This stint was cut short due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. I returned to the company later in 2020 to continue my work on 3D Printing, this time working on design & some R&D as well.
For my summer internship in 2022 I worked on a mix of software and hardware optimizing manufacturing tooling and motor control code for development systems. This included working with multiple teams and designing parts to integrate into these systems. Towards the end of this stint I also helped install a preclinical system. The opportunity to work with such amazing people and learn so much about manufacturing, R&D and medical imaging technology has been invaluable
The most recent stint in summer of 2023 I acted as support for all engineering both on the preclinical and R&D side of the business doing a significant amount of verification testing as well as working directly on the manufacturing floor. Towards the end of the summer I performed onsite maintenance for an internationally installed preclinical system, working around the barriers of being in a different country and time zone than the main teams for the company.
MPI Field Visualization
Momentum CT System
Animal Bed
Me in front of deployed MOMENTUM system